Human Resources IT Transformation (HR ITT) leads the governmentwide transformation of HR Information Technology by focusing on modernization, consolidation, integration, and performance assessment. It manages the Human Resources Line of Business (HR LOB) initiative through active collaboration with agencies and service providers and focuses on improving the strategic management of human resources by:
- overseeing governmentwide systems and services employed by agencies and service providers
- improving integration and interoperability of HR systems
- promoting innovative technologies
The HR LOB common solution takes a phased approach to delivering HR services through shared service centers based on a common, reusable architecture that leverages open architecture concepts. These solutions will enable the federal government to standardize HR business functions and processes, as well as the systems that support them. The HR LOB common solution will enable a shift in emphasis within the agencies from administrative processing to customer service and strategic planning.
The shared service center approach is designed to encourage competition among federal and private sector providers, and to maximize private sector involvement; this competition, in turn, should result in improved quality, efficiency and customer satisfaction. Economies of scale will help reduce costs and improve efficiencies. A focus on performance results will improve quality and customer satisfaction.
More specifically, the Multi-Agency Executive Strategy Committee (MAESC) supports and enables the HR LOB Concept of Operations and service delivery model. The MAESC is comprised of senior-level representatives from each of the 24 federal cabinet agencies responsible for developing or executing HC policy for their department or agency, or who have the authority to speak for their agency on all matters addressed by the MAESC.
For more information about the HR LOB please email hrlob@opm.gov.