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RSS Feed Instructions

RSS Feed Instructions

What is RSS?

RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication." An RSS reader will scan a website to check if anything has been updated, and then display the updated content.

What is the benefit of RSS?

If you visit frequently to see if there are any new OPM memos, you could benefit from subscribing to the RSS feed. This will allow you to be notified of any new memos automatically, without having to check the website yourself.

How to subscribe

Internet Explorer

  1. Navigate to the CHCOC Transmittal page.
  2. Click on the orange RSS Feed icon
  3. Click Subscribe to this feed.
  4. Type a name for the feed and select the folder to create the feed in.
  5. Click Subscribe.
  6. You view feeds on the Feeds tab in the Favorites Center. To view your feeds, tap or click the Favorites button, and then tap or click Feeds.

These instructions were adapted from Microsoft's guide to using RSS feeds in Internet Explorer.

Google Chrome

To subscribe to an RSS Feed using Google Chrome, you must first download an extension. To do this click on the 3 vertical dots to the upper right of the browser, under the x button. Click on settings, then on the left, click on extensions. You will see any extensions already on your browser or you can click get more extensions. This will bring you to the web store. On the upper left, search for rss feed reader then add to Chrome whichever feed reader you wish. Then follow the steps for internet explorer to subscribe.


  1. Navigate to the CHCOC Transmittal page.
  2. Click on the orange RSS Feed icon
  3. Click Subscribe to this feed.
  4. Click on subscribe to this feed using live bookmarks and then click subscribe now.
  5. This will add the feed to your bookmarks on Firefox.